Anise Hyssop

Anise Hyssop

The Anise Hyssop, or blue giant hyssop, is a flowering plant native to northern and central North America. It has many other names as well, including Fragrant giant hyssop and lavender giant hyssop. Its native range is in the prairies and Great Plains.

When planting Anise Hyssop, choose soil that drains well. Once established, this plant doesn’t require much care. However, it will benefit from occasional pruning to keep it looking its best. This can be done in the early spring with clean pruning shears. The best time to prune this plant is at a promising bud node.

The Anise Hyssop has been used for centuries as a medicinal herb, including by Native Americans. Its flowers attract bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Birds also eat its seeds. The flowers of this plant have a strong, licorice scent. The seeds and leaves can be used for making jellies, baked goods, and herbal tea. The flowers can also be used in bouquets.

The Anise Hyssop is a perennial herb that grows in clumps of two to three feet. In a garden, it is a beautiful plant that attracts many pollinating insects and makes a wonderful plant addition to a garden. The flower spikes are edible, and they can be dried and added to fresh arrangements.

Anise Hyssop is an easy plant to grow from seed, and it can also be propagated through division of plants. It grows by rhizomes and needs little maintenance. In ideal conditions, anise hyssop plants will self-sow.

It grows best in full sun, but it will tolerate partial shade. However, partial shade will limit the size and number of blooms. It requires well-drained soil with a neutral pH. If the soil is too acidic, it may develop root rot. Once established, it tolerates drought and rarely needs staking.

Anise Hyssop is a perennial herb that is native to northern and central North America. Its natural habitat is the prairies and uplands. This plant is easy to grow, and once established, it will tolerate drought. Anise Hyssop plants grow two to four feet tall and bloom throughout the summer. If you have a garden, anise hyssop is a great addition to the landscape.

A fascinating insect, the Robber Fly, lives on Anise Hyssop plants. It has a long life span and a robust root system. It also grows in open spaces. It is a deer and rabbit resistant plant, but is susceptible to foliar diseases. Foliar disease can destroy the plant’s foliage, making it unattractive.