Can You Eat Spicy Food While Breastfeeding?

Can You Eat Spicy Food While Breastfeeding?

Whether you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you might be wondering if you can still eat spicy food. While you can’t eat foods that are highly spicy, there are many foods that are considered safe for you and your baby to eat. These foods include peppermint, caffeinated beverages, and fenugreek.


Whether you are breastfeeding or not, caffeine and spicy foods are not a good idea. Both can interfere with the growth of your baby and disrupt sleep patterns. If you have concerns about caffeine and spicy foods, consult a healthcare provider before consuming.

Caffeine and spicy foods may cause diarrhea or gastric protest. This may make your baby want to feed less or refuse to feed at all. If this is the case, try a milder diet. If your baby is fussy after consuming caffeine or spicy foods, talk to your doctor.

Can You Eat Spicy Food While Breastfeeding?

The AAP recommends no more than 16 to 24 ounces of total caffeine per day. This amount is equivalent to two 8-ounce cups of coffee. However, younger babies are more sensitive to caffeine and may be more prone to caffeine-related symptoms.


Depending on the cultural traditions of the mother and baby, spicy foods may or may not be safe for babies. In most cases, a baby’s stomach can handle the heat, but too much can upset the stomach. If your baby seems fussy after eating spicy foods, cut back on the heat.

Spicy foods also change the flavor of breast milk. If you’re breastfeeding, you should try to incorporate foods that are healthy for you and your baby. You should also include fats, protein, and energy in your diet. You should also avoid alcohol. Alcohol can pass through your breast milk to your baby. Drinking too much can dehydrate and deplete your breast milk supply.

While spicy foods can be safe for babies, certain herbs can affect your breast milk supply. Herbs like parsley and sage have been associated with decreases in milk supply.


Whether or not you should eat spicy foods while breastfeeding depends on your diet and your baby’s tolerance for spicy flavors. A lot of breastfeeding mothers are under the impression that spicy foods cause heartburn, gas, or diarrhea. However, there is no scientific evidence that eating these foods will negatively impact your baby’s health.

As a matter of fact, eating spicy foods while breastfeeding can be a great way to develop your baby’s palate. If your baby is accustomed to spicy foods, he or she will be more likely to be adventurous eaters later on.

In addition to the health benefits, eating spicy foods while breastfeeding can give you a little extra energy to care for your baby. Some spicy foods are high in fiber and may help to relieve gas. However, some spicy foods such as hot peppers, chili, and curry can be harmful to your baby’s health.


Whether you are a nursing mom or just planning to get pregnant, you may have heard about the benefits of fenugreek and spicy food while breastfeeding. Fenugreek is a spice that is used around the world as a food ingredient and is said to have medicinal qualities.

The National Institutes of Health claims that fenugreek is safe to use for breastfeeding mothers when used in moderation. However, there are some negative side effects to fenugreek, so you should talk with your doctor before taking it.

Some studies have shown that fenugreek can increase milk supply. However, these studies were not very well conducted and had small sample sizes. Some studies also had no placebo control. This means that there was no way to determine whether the mothers who were taking fenugreek actually experienced an increase in milk supply.

Common breastfeeding myths

Among the most common breastfeeding myths are the ones pertaining to spicy foods and breastfeeding. While some cultures may recommend certain foods, the truth is, there’s no need to worry.

The most important thing to remember is that the benefits of breastfeeding far outweigh any discomfort that may arise. You can enjoy a variety of foods, including spicy dishes, and the milk your baby produces will be nutrient rich and flavorful.

In addition, frequent and effective nursing can help increase your milk supply. Getting advice from a lactation consultant can help you make the most of this wonderful gift you’ve been given.

Aside from the breast-milk-making aficionado, there’s another group of women who aren’t so fortunate. These women aren’t able to produce enough milk for their babies, due to genetic disorders or hormonal imbalances.