There are several different types of Compact Electronic Volume Correctors for Diaphram Meters on the market. Some are stand-alone models, while others can be integrated into a meter’s calibration system. RMFTEK’s MICRO-ZDM is one of such product. It provides cost-effective, precision volume correction for domestic and commercial diaphragm gas meters, and offers comprehensive remote communication options. They come in standard meter, wall, and pipe stand
mounting options. In addition, users can configure and connect to the volume corrector via a desktop or smart device. Other features include connection to any software supporting the Modbus protocol. Honeywell’s Mini-AT is onother such model. It is fully featured, yet very cost-effective. Mercury Instruments also offers several models. source:
The MICRO-ZDM Compact Electronic Volume corrector is an easy-to-use solution that can be installed and configured in minutes. It is a direct replacement for the mechanical index and offers temperature and pressure compensation. Use of ultra low drift and high absolute accuracy pressure and temperature sensors integrated in the meter eliminates the need for calibration, and yields very accurate volume correction. This model is fully automatic and uses a lithium battery with a life expectancy of up to 20 years. It can store up to 1 years of hourly measurement data.

The product offers high-quality, rugged performance. It provides high-precision, real-time readings, and require no maintenance. Features include integrated volume correctors and temperature and pressure sensors, ATEX and MID certification, and a graphical screen display. Meters are available in a variety of sizes and pressure ranges. They can be used to accurately measure flow and pressure in both domestic and commercial environments.
Honeywell’s Mini-AT
The Mini-AT Electronic Volume Correctors for Diaphragm Meters have a user guide. This user guide provides information about the Mini-AT and its features. The guide contains the item #s that should be selected for the Mini-AT and the other settings. The Mini-AT User Guide also contains the unit of measure of the Gas Temperature 26and other temperature related items. It also provides information about Pulser Channel A and B.

The Mini-AT Electronic Volume Corrector is a stand-alone electronic gas volume corrector that is fully featured and affordable. It is available in standard meter mount, pipe stand and wall mount options. It can be configured and connected to a meter via desktop or smart device via the MasterLink32 software. It can also be called in using AT commands and alarm pulses.
Dresser’s Direct Drive AMR adapter
The Dresser Direct Drive AMR adapter is a convenient, low-cost solution for diaphragm meters that use AMR-compliant volumes. Its microcontroller includes an eight-bit microprocessor and a memory chip with 4K and 8K RAM. The device is easy to install and provides accurate data with low-power consumption.