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How Many Calories Does Running a Mile Burn?

If you’re trying to shed a few pounds, running a mile is one of the simplest exercises you can do. This is because it burns several hundred extra calories in just one trip around the track. However, it’s also important to consider how many calories burned while running a mile depends on factors like your weight, speed and intensity. The best way to find out how many calories you burn during a run is by testing out a variety of speeds until the pace becomes challenging. Also, keep an eye on your heart rate if you want an accurate calculation of your calorie expenditure. You may also find it helpful to consider your gender in determining calories burned while running a mile. If you’re trying to understand how many calories you burn during a run, keep reading for more information.

How many calories does running a mile burn? There are many factors that contribute to calorie burn, including your weight, speed, and intensity. You may also want to consider your gender to determine the number of calories you will burn while running. If you have never run a mile, try building your endurance by walking briskly for five minutes, jogging for 45 seconds, and eventually running a mile. Wearable fitness trackers can help you determine how many calories you burn during a mile run by monitoring your heart rate and distance.


How many calories does running a mile burn depends on your body weight and speed. The average person can burn about 100 calories per mile, although the amount varies greatly. Scientists use a unit called the MET, or metabolic equivalent, to measure the calories burned per minute. One liter of oxygen equals 5 calories of energy. So, if you weigh 188 pounds, running a mile can burn about 230 calories in a minute.

Another factor affecting caloric expenditure is your gender. This difference is largely because men tend to burn more calories than women. A 160-pound man running a mile at a 12-minute pace will burn about 290 calories, while a woman will burn about 363 calories. This is because men are generally larger than women. The faster you run, the more calories you burn. If you are a woman, it’s the opposite.


When it comes to running, the calories you burn depend on your weight, your speed, and your body’s overall energy expenditure. But generally speaking, a mile of running burns about 80 to 140 calories, depending on your weight and your fitness level. The Mayo Clinic recommends a general rule: a 180-pound person can expect to burn around 120 calories per mile. But the exact figure depends on a number of factors, including your age, body composition, and speed.

To get a better idea of how much calories a mile burns, consult a chart from the American Council on Exercise. It shows that an average-weight person burns around 62 calories per mile. However, the actual number of calories depends on many factors, including your age, weight, height, pace, and terrain. If you are a beginner, however, you may be surprised to learn that you burn significantly fewer calories than an experienced runner.


One of the most important ways to judge the intensity of a run is to monitor your heart rate. Most smart watches that measure heart rate also measure the functional threshold power (FTP).

FTPP is the maximum effort a runner can sustain for 45-60 minutes. Knowing these figures will help you determine your target intensity level. Here are some tips to determine your heart rate zone:

There are many variables that influence the time it takes to run a mile. The distance, sex, and physical fitness of a person will all affect their mile-running time. Also, the kind of footwear used, the terrain, and the elevation will determine the speed. Although there are no exact standards for running a mile, certain variables can be used for comparison. These factors affect the intensity of a mile run.

Gender affect calorie burn

Although caloric expenditure varies between men and women, men typically burn more calories per mile than women do. This difference in caloric expenditure is primarily due to differences in body composition. Men typically carry more lean muscle mass and have higher rates of metabolism. In other words, running a mile burns more calories than walking or jogging does for a 160-pound woman. However, age does play a role in calorie burning, as age and body composition decrease the metabolic rate.

While the average calorie burn rate is the same for both sexes, men burn more calories than women. A mile run in cold temperatures can increase the amount of calories burned, but running in heat can increase the perceived exertion. In addition, men burn more calories than women, which makes weight loss easier for them. If you are looking for a simple way to determine how many calories you burn during a mile run, use the calorie calculator. Simply input your age, gender, weight and running surface grade to get an estimate for how many calories you will burn during your next training run or race.

How Many Calories Does Running a Mile Burn? Result

The calculator is going to give you a rough estimate of how many calories you will burn during your run. It uses variables, such as your age, weight, gender and the surface grade to give you a more accurate estimate. This means that it cannot be 100% accurate for an individual’s calorie burn. The calculator will likely return an estimate that is slightly higher or lower than what you actually burned. Despite its limitation, the calculator is still very useful because it can be used repeatedly for your runs. After several runs over the course of several months, you’ll be able to get a better idea about your average calorie burn for running a mile.


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